Machu Picchu Inca Trail


Good times. That pretty much summarise the entire trek.

There are few things better than surrendering to nature. To be out in the wild, far far away from cars, light pollution and sound. To be able to hear the silence and see true darkness. Waking up in the morning by the sun warming your tent, open the zipper and walk out in to the wilderness.

On our last day we reach the Sun Gate, a fantastic viewing point only reachable before sunrise if you have done the Inca trail. To ur disappointment Machu Picchu was entirely covered in clouds. But as the sun started warming our frozen hands and feet it slowly burned the clouds away. To see Machu Picchu rising up through the clouds was truly amazing.

If you get the chance to visit Machu Picchu take the opportunity to also climb/hike Huayna Picchu. Some of the pictures you see below are from that peak.

As the rest of the trip this was also shot entirely on analog film. It is for sure not convenient to carry multiple cameras and bags of film through forest and climbs. But it helps you to stop and think for a while. No point and shoot, moving on. It is a slow and beautiful process with room for actually enjoying the moment you are capturing.

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inca trail photosinca trail photosinca trail photosinca trail photoswedding photographer peruWedding Machu Picchu Inca trail trekInca trail trekInca trail trekInca trail trekInca trail trekInca trail trekinca ruins peruinca ruins peruinca trekinca trekinca trekinca ruins peruinca ruins peruinca trekinca trekinca trekinca trekinca trekmachu picchuwedding photographer peruwedding photographer peruwedding photographer perumachu picchu picturewedding photographer perumachu picchumachu picchu picturemachu picchu pictureinca trailmachu picchu pictureinca trailinca trail